Friday, August 22, 2008

Could the second be the last?

I've been completely inspired by the group of blogs that I read on a daily or semi-daily basis. That is the big reason I decided to start a new blog-I hope I can be inspiring or motivating for readers of my blog. I do have another time-sucker beyond Facebook and Blogger though, Wii. I have to say that Nintendo is genius to develop a product that makes a 30-year old woman want one as much, if not more, than a little boy. In the spring I decided I had to have and the companion Wii Fit that would help me shed these extra pounds. I knew when I came across one that was fate telling me it was time. Fast forward to July. At my parents' lake cottage deep in Ohio Amish Country we had to pick up groceries at Wal Mart. Lo and behold there was a single Wii unit in the bottom of the case. Woo-hoo!
Side bar, true story-My parents and I were in the house after dinner and I had carefully hooked the system up. I begged both my parents to play with me without success. I played by myself for awhile and piqued their interest. By the end of the night we all had Wii Miis and were having a ball. The next afternoon we headed to the dock to take the boat out for a run. After trying unsuccessfully to get the engine running properly we decided to head back to the house. Stepping off the boat Mom asked if we can go play the Wii. Of course! Nintendo Genius!
Anyway, so I had my prized Wii console but had yet to lay eyes on the elusive Wii Fit. Honestly, I hadn't gotten the Wii out at home because I'm afraid of getting addicted and not getting any of my other chores done. Today while shopping for some software I almost fell over the Wii Fit. Let the weight loss begin!
Will this be the end of the blog? Is fate tempting me? Testing me? I personally think this will be a great opportunity to practice time-management and self control. We'll see...tune in tomorrow!

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